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Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3) - A New Threat To Environment Pollution


Ajay Kumar1, B.R. Kar2


1 Electrical & Electronics Engineering KIIT University

2 Chemistry Department, KIIT University

Email: ajay.ansha002@gmail.com



Day by day in concentration of green house gases like CH4, CO2, CFC etc has become the biggest threat to environment. Presence of these gases in troposphere contributes in high extent of global warming. NOx  and SOx  are also contributing accordingly for rise in global temperature . In addition to these  pollutants  a  new  potential  source  which  is  one  thousand  times  more  than  an  equal concentration of CO2 chemically named as Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3). Nitrogen with three  florine molecules is considered as a unsaturated  compound which has maximum reactivity. In general NF3 has 1700 times more potential than CO2  as a warming agent mostly found in costal belt. In this paper,  the  structural  representation  along  with  preparation  reactivity,  temperature  gradient  rate  and mechanism of his harmful compound is broadly discussed.


Keywords: NF3, Greenhouse Gas, Alarming Situation



1.   B. A. Huling, G. M. Engle, C. A. Schneider, R. J. Gibson, and R. G.Ridgeway, Solid State Technol. 37, 73 ~1994!.

2.   G. Bruno, P. Capezzuto, G. Cicala, and P. Manodoro, J. Vac. Sci. Technol.A 12, 690 ~1994!.


