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Ag-nanoparticles - Extracellular green biosynthesis, kinetics and morphology using Citrus limon (lemon) aqueous extract


Akrema, Rahis-ud-din and Zaheer Khan


Nano-science research lab, Department of Chemistry, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India

Email: rais_ch2003@yahoo.com



This abstract details a facile and simple approach for the synthesis of stable and monodisperse Ag- nanoparticles performed at ambient/low temperature, where citrus limon (lemon belongs to the Rutaceae family) aqueous extract functions as the silver salt reducing agent during the nucleation and growth of nanoparticles as well as the stabilizing agent [1]. Varying the synthesis conditions provides control of particle size, size-distribution, and kinetics of particle formation. We found that citric acid was the principal reducing agent for the nano-synthesis process. Infrared spectroscopy also indicated that citric acid in the lemon extract is the primary nanoparticle stabilizing moiety [2]. The effect of various process parameters like the reductant concentration, mixing ratio of the reactants and the concentration of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide were studied in detail. The reaction follows the first-order kinetics with respect to [Ag+]. On the other hand, reaction mixture became turbid at higher [CTAB] due to the uncontrolled growth of silver nanoparticles.


Keywords: Green Chemistry, Kinetics, Nanoparticles, Citric Acid



1.   S. Li, Y. Shen, A. Xie, X. Yu, L. Qiu, L. Zhang, Q. Zhang, Green Chem. 9 (2007) 852.

2.   C. Burda, X. Chen, R. Narayanan, M. A. El-Sayed, Chem. Rev. 105 (2005) 1025.


